health workers wearing face mask

Photo by cottonbro studio on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/health-workers-wearing-face-mask-3957987/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>

根据官网公布的医护类列表整理而成, 被定向的申请人需要满足:

  • 过去三年中有至少连续六个月的同种NOC工作经验, 且
  • 工作经验符合以下列表之一, 且
  • 满足CEC/FSW通道的要求


three person looking at x ray result
Photo by EVG Kowalievska on Pexels.com
临床和实验医学专家 (Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine)311001
外科专家 (Specialists in surgery)311011
全科医生和家庭医生 (General practitioners and family physicians)311021
兽医 (Veterinarians)311031
牙医 (Dentists)311101
验光师 (Optometrists)311111
听力学家和言语病理学家 (Audiologists and speech language pathologists)311121
营养学家和营养师 (Dieticians and nutritionists)311211
心理学家 (Psychologists)312001
脊椎按摩师 (Chiropractors)312011
物理治疗师 (Physiotherapists)312021
职业治疗师 (Occupational therapists)312031
运动科学家和其他治疗和评估专业人员 (Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment)312041
其他卫生诊断和治疗专业人员 (Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating)312091
护理协调员和主管 (Nursing co-ordinators and supervisors)313001
注册护士和注册精神病护士 (Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses)313011
护士执业医师 (Nurse practitioners)313021
医师助理、助产士和其他卫生专业人员 (Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals)313031
执业护士 (Licensed practical nurses)321012
护理治疗技术员和其他治疗和评估技术职业 (Paramedical occupations)321022
呼吸治疗师、临床灌注师和心肺技师 (Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists)321032
其他治疗和评估技术职业 (Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment)32109 12
医学实验室技师 (Medical laboratory technologists)321202
医学放射技师 (Medical radiation technologists)321212
医学超声技师 (Medical sonographers)321222
中医师和针灸师 (Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists)322002
按摩治疗师 (Massage therapists)322012
其他自然疗法从业人员 (Other practitioners of natural healing)322092
医学实验室助理和相关技术职业 (Medical laboratory assistants and related technical occupations)331013
护理助理、医务助理和病人服务助理 (Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates)331023
药房技术助理和药房助理 (Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants)331033
其他卫生服务支持助理职业 (Other assisting occupations in support of health services)331093
咨询治疗师和相关专业疗法师 (Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies)413011
教育顾问 (Education counsellors)413201
残疾人辅导员 (Instructors of persons with disabilities)422032


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