flag of canada

Photo by Social Soup Social Media on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/flag-of-canada-2448946/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>

  • 邀请人数: 3500
  • 邀请类别: 全类别
  • 邀请分数: 483
  • 邀请时间: April 26,2023 18:10:04 UTC
  • 平分打破规则(Tie-break Rule): April 22, 2023 19:46:58 UTC
CRS score range Number of candidates
601-1200 604
501-600 884
451-500 55,867
491-500 680
481-490 3,001
471-480 21,544
461-470 17,111
451-460 13,351
401-450 61,108
441-450 12,691
431-440 13,187
421-430 10,674
411-420 11,846
401-410 12,710
351-400 69,709
301-350 36,432
0-300 5,585
Total 230,189

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