Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
The following documents are mandatory for each work experience declared:
a reference or experience letter from the employer, which
should be an official document printed on company letterhead (must include the applicant’s name, the company’s contact information [address, telephone number and email address], and the name, title and signature of the immediate supervisor or personnel officer at the company),
should indicate all positions held while employed at the company and must include the following details: job title, duties and responsibilities, job status (if current job), dates worked for the company, number of work hours per week and annual salary plus benefits; and
if the applicant is self-employed, articles of incorporation or other evidence of business ownership, evidence of self-employment income and documentation from third-party individuals indicating the service provided along with payment details (self-declared main duties or affidavits are not acceptable proof of self-employed work experience).
You must provide proof of work experience for your current job and for each past position you listed. Proof must include a reference letter from your employer and pay stubs, if you have them. The reference letter must:
be an official document printed on company letterhead
include your name, the company’s contact information (address, telephone number and e-mail address), the signature of your immediate
show all positions held while employed at the company
include these details: job title, duties/responsibilities, job status (if current job), the dates you worked for the company, the number of work hours per week and your annual salary plus benefits.
You must scan all documents for this period of employment and save them as one file. (You must create a separate file for each period of employment.)
不加分的工作这点我很好奇。我有一些几年前的工作经验,雇主公司已经不在了,也联系不上了,这份工作经验算上去,也不会给我多加分(最近的两份工作已经够3年了),楼主意思是这样的工作经历在入池的时候可以不填在work exprience里是吗?这样会不会造成inaccurate information?
入池profile不要填. 等你被捞上来了以后, 在个人履历里填上就行.
感谢回复!还有一个问题想请教下:准备和女朋友走common-law, 她工作经验不在加拿大,算不上分,入池那个profile里还需要填吗?
非加拿大工作经验不能加分吗? 如果不加分的话可以不写在profile里. 之后被捞写在个人经历里即可.